- KUHN parts with its subsidiary PUISSANCE VERTE, specialist in park and garden equipment.
- KUHN purchases 12 ha (29.7 acres) of land near Saverne, destined to become our new logistics platform for Spare Parts.
- The KUHN group presents its first ever self-propelled machine at the SIMA exhibition; the mixer feeder wagon (SP 14).
- The assembly hall is expanded and a new hedge and grass cutter testing site is installed at KUHN-AUDUREAU.
- Mr. Freddy BOHR, a farmer from the Alsace region, claimed the first ever French victory in the World Ploughing Championships, using a KUHN MULTIMASTER 120 plough.
- A new spare parts distribution centre is created: KUHN PARTS in Monswiller.

- The company project CAP 10 is launched.
- KUHN acquires the American company, KNIGHT Manufacturing Corporation, world leader in TMR mixer feeder wagons and manure spreaders.
- A representative office is opened in Beijing, China.
- Distribution centers are created in Spain and Australia.
- The KUHN Group internet sites are revamped (first on-line in 1999).
- KUHN celebrates its 175th anniversary.
- A new machine display hall, "prototypes" building and training centre is opened at KUHN-AUDUREAU.
- KUHN wins the French Ploughing Championship with a competitor from Normandy.
- The HR + VENTA seeding combination is elected “Machine of the year” in Germany by a panel of professional journalists.

- An expansion is completed at the KUHN-KNIGHT factory in Brodhead (Wisconsin, USA).
- KUHN-KNIGHT launches a new vertical auger mixer feeder wagon range as well as a hydraulic push manure spreader on the North American market.
- KUHN wins the French Ploughing Championship with a competitor from Alsace.
- The KUHN Group receives the regional Export 2004 trophy for its performance in the North American market.

- KUHN acquires the agricultural division of the Brazilian company METASA S/A specialized in the design and manufacturing of direct precision drilling machines for crops such as soya, cotton and maize.
- A new subsidiary is created in Ukraine.
- A new “powder” paint facility is put into service on the site of KUHN-AUDUREAU (La Copechagnière, France).
- An expansion of the parts logistics platform KUHN PARTS is opened in Monswiller (additional 1,560 m2 / 16,791 sq.ft of storage area).
- A new showroom and training centre is opened at KUHN-KNIGHT (Brodhead, USA).
- CAP 10 becomes ONE, the company project for all KUHN Group production sites.
- Montereau site activities are transferred to the factories in KUHN-SAVERNE and KUHN-HUARD (Chateaubriant, France).
- KUHN receives the regional Export trophy for its French International Internship programme (VIE).
- The SPV self-propelled silage cutter and mixer wagon with vertical auger is launched.
- Several major building expansions are put into service, including the Test department in Saverne, production buildings for precision seed drills in KUHN-HUARD, Chateaubriant and at KUHN-KNIGHT, Brodhead.
- KUHNiTech, the online technical support tool, and KUHN Protect+ machine warranty extension are launched.
- A new large machine assembly factory (KUHN MGM) is built in Monswiller.
- KUHN NORTH AMERICA is created, merging all the activities in North America under one entity. Another expansion of the Brodhead factory is completed.

- KUHN launches a paperless system to manage spare parts electronically on the KUHN PARTS platform.
- 1st machine assembled on the KUHN MGM site comes out of production on 22 may (INTEGRA seed drill).
- A new logistics building is constructed in KUHN-AUDUREAU (La Copechagniere, France).
- A subsidiary is created in Russia.
- The French manufacturer of crop protection sprayers BLANCHARD (Chéméré - 44) becomes part of the KUHN Group, adding a complete product range for agriculture, specialised cultivations and green spaces.
- The KUHN Group completes its offer in hay and silage making equipment by adding balers, wrappers, drum mowers and maize choppers through the acquisition of the Kverneland Group Geldrop factory.
The KUHN Group wins the 2008 Swedish Steel Price for its innovative design that uses high tensile steel on the PROLONGER hedge and grass cutter.
- The KUHN Group receives the regional Export trophy for its investment policy abroad and in particular for its establishment of a distribution subsidiary in Russia.
- KUHN creates, with 5 other agricultural machinery manufacturers, the association CCI (Competence Centre Isobus) and launches a new Isobus terminal (Gold medal at the Agritechnica 2009).
- A new shipping and receiving area is constructed at the Chateaubriant site (Loire-Atlantique - France).