Disc Mowers

Mowing is the first and very important step in the process of making silage. KUHN is a pioneer in the field of disc mowers. Renowned globally, the GMD mower offers innovative technology to ensure quality forage and work output.

Front Mounted Mowers

Mowing is the first and very important step in the process of making silage. KUHN is recognised globally as a pioneer in the field of disc mowers. The GMD front mower offers innovative technology to ensure quality forage and work output.

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Mounted Mowers

Mowing is the first and very important step in the process of making silage. KUHN is recognised globally as a pioneer in the field of disc mowers. The GMD mower offers innovative technology to ensure quality forage and work output.

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    • GMD 10 & 100 mower silhouette

      GMD 10-100

      Two ranges with 8 mower models from 1.60 m to 3.51 m

    • GMD 285 Disc Mower Silhouette

      GMD 105

      GMD 355 disc mowers with a working width 3.50 m ensure a clean cut


      5 models from 2.67 to 4.35 m equipped with LIFT-CONTROL suspension

Triple Disc Mowers

Mowing is the first and very important step in the process of making silage. GMD Triple Mowers can help you to achieve your performance goals. Mowing areas are constantly increasing, and optimum mowing windows are limited in time, it is essential to harvest top quality forage. You can rely on the performance, working quality and reliability of KUHN triple mower combinations.

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    • GMD 1030

      Combining work output and forage quality

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