To achieve quality forage, you need to get the most out of your machinery. Innovation that will drive performance up and efficiency that won’t let you down. As a manufacturer of industry-leading agricultural implements, KUHN’s comprehensive range equips farmers to go further, from crop management to forage production, and livestock to landscape maintenance.


Quality you get attached to

The growing demand for quality forage has resulted in the development of specialist machinery.

Preserving the quality of baled silage means achieving a tight seal and sufficient wrap to reduce the risk of air ingress during transport and storage. By efficiently harvesting and conserving the feed, we can minimise impurity levels, while maximising energy content, nutritional value and palatability.

KUHN offers real solutions to improve productivity and ensure the future sustainability of livestock farming.

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Adapting to the challenges

Mowing too short brings a high risk of trapping soil particles and impurities in the harvested forage, which can compromise good storage properties and negatively affect the nutritional feed value.

Baling the grass properly can be a huge challenge, particularly in periods of wet weather, and the economic impact of soil contamination can be considerable. With quality losses during storage and increased heating in the bale, extra concentrates need to be added and the forage can become less palatable, leading to reduced efficiencies in milk and meat production.

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