cover crop
A farm’s performance is often calculated in terms of profit, i.e., to be successful, a farm must be profitable. However, other factors need to be considered in the context of sustainable development. To produce sustainably, the whole ecosystem should be considered. As such, in addition to profit, other criteria are: the wellbeing of the farmer and their family, the preservation of the farm environment and natural resources with a view to transmission as well as regional integration. But what techniques make a farm more sustainable?
The first technique people think of concerning sustainability is often related to the environment and reducing agricultural inputs. Fertilisers, plant protection products, energy, etc., are often expensive carbon products that can have negative consequences for the environment if not used properly. Thinking about necessary quantities, depending on needs and the context, is one of the key factors in limiting the use of products while optimising yield and profits. And it is now possible with all the agricultural equipment being brought out by manufacturers, particularly for precision farming.
To avoid using inputs, alternative farming practices exist, particularly in integrated pest and disease management. The aim is to keep pests below the threshold of destructiveness, rather than destroying them completely. The technique involves boosting plants’ natural control mechanisms, and using pests’ natural enemies and chemical agents such as pheromones.
Reintroducing basic agronomic concepts onto farms is one of the most effective methods of increasing sustainability. For instance, crop rotation and cover crops work very well against pests and diseases as well as enriching and preserving the soil. Reducing tillage – a key principle in conservation agriculture – is also a useful technique for fixing carbon in the soil to limit global warming.
cover crop
crop rotation
minimum tillage
In order to develop a viable economy, sustainable agriculture embraces opportunities. As such, it is not restricted to food production, but is turning to energy production too. Renewable energy projects are part of the global ecological transition. They are also often an integral part of a locality, which they bring (back) to life with individual or collective methanisation projects, solar power plants, wood fuel, etc.
In addition to the economic and ecological aspects, sustainable agriculture must also provide a decent living in terms of income and social life. Political support is often needed to try to establish fair prices. Collective projects can provide an opportunity for local exchanges, as well as increasing profitability and efficiency for the members. Farm relief services can make it easier for farm managers to take time off work, or to be replaced if sick. It is difficult to calculate the effectiveness of this aspect which is, nonetheless, essential to ensuring future generations of farmers.